Are you a polished author that wants to publish your works and put them out on the market with greater convenience? Easy Street Print provides comprehensive and supported self-publishing services that will help you achieve just that. We give you control of the entire process right from delivery of manuscript to designing the cover all through to printing and distribution of your order. With our state-of-the-art design and printing equipment, we can help you publish your short run books in classic black & white or glaring full-color.
Attractive Book Cover Options
When it comes to choosing a cover for your book, we have amazing paperback and hardback options that you can find perfect. We understand the need to create a strong first impression on your newly published book(s). That’s why we provide you with a range of custom leather-bound and digital book cover formats that can attract buyers at the first instance. You don’t have to try so hard marketing your books. The dazzling book cover can actually do the selling for you. We can also help you with choosing the right font for your print design for maximum impact to your readers.
Make the Most Out Of Our Short-Run Printing Options
If you would want to print books in small quantities, then our short-run printing option can perfectly take care of your needs. You can even print on-demand copies and distribute them to the market quite conveniently. Unlike offset printing that requires a publisher to pay huge upfront costs, digital short run book printing has minimal set-up fees. That translates to a low unit cost per book, which is passed over to the author and subsequently to the buyer.
Other notable benefits of printing short run books include:
- Minimal Waste: With short-run printing, you only order for small batches and can make smaller increments going forward. That minimizes the risk of your books going obsolete should market demand or expectations change rapidly.
- Reduced Storage Costs: Having many books will not only take a lot of space but will increase handling costs too. Hence short-run printing can go a long way in reducing costs of keeping inventory.
- Fast Turnaround Times: Getting your on-demand books published and shipped or distributed can never be quicker with short-run printing. The setup and production processes are both seamless, something that guarantees efficiency in getting the orders fulfilled.
Easy Street Print simply makes publishing your work of art easier. Our accomplished experts can walk with you through every step of the way in the self-publishing process, allowing you to create perfect copies that will fetch you great profits.
Call us or fill out the form here to enjoy free consultation from our publishing experts.